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Posted by on Apr 18, 2020 in miscellaneous | 2 comments

Is oval better?

Is oval better?

It has been a while since my last blog post. I hadn’t cycle for a while since my last accident. I have to admit I had a hard time getting on my bike seeing that the last accident has left me with a permanent injury and the pain I have keeps reminding me of the risks of the sport I love. I really needed an incentive to get back on the bike and enjoy cycling like I did before. I had seen many ads on Facebook about the Absoluteblack oval rings and decided to treat myself with two oval rings for my winter bike. I deliberately did not do any research into whether these would actually be better than the “normal” rings. My idea was to just try them and write about my experience on my blog. So, don’t expect this to be scientific whatsoever, it’s just me telling you what I think of my purchase. When my oval rings arrived I went to Niek at Van der Velden...

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Posted by on Apr 1, 2019 in bikes, gear and gadgets, training | 0 comments

Pursu – an interview with the founder

Pursu – an interview with the founder

In March of this year Pursu launched their first three 100% natural energy bars. I met the founder of Pursu, Sanjay Soni, a few years ago when he and his brother booked a guided bike ride in Sicily. We kept in contact and after about a year he told me about this new project he was working on: creating a natural sports nutrition brand. This was in May 2017. From that point on I followed almost every step he took to reach his goal and wasn’t afraid to give him my two cents along the way… 🙂 Now we’re in 2019 and the brand has been created and the first three energy bars are already a great success! Because I followed Sanjay’s project from the start and the fact that I find the Pursu bars to be both delicious and easily digestible, I’m very happy to have become an official Pursu ambassador! I wanted to help introduce Pursu to you guys, so last week I interviewed Sanjay and asked...

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Posted by on Feb 27, 2019 in bikes, gear and gadgets, slider | 0 comments

Waiting for Castelli

Waiting for Castelli

Two weeks ago I posted a question on Twitter. I asked Castelli which of their current gloves would be the equivalent of my old worn gloves which I clearly need to replace. Where you’d expect a swift reply to this simple question, none was posted, so I decided to start a thread about it and see how much time it would take Castelli to get back to me. Here we go…. Ciao @CastelliCycling, I need some help. As you can see, it's time to replace my old winter gloves! Could you tell me which current gloves would be the equivalent of my old gloves? I don't need real thick gloves, because I already have the Estremo. Grazie! pic.twitter.com/8pPBkkS11u — Don Bici (@Don_Bici) February 12, 2019 @CastelliCycling Earth calling Castelli…. ???? https://t.co/ynK5jKExUE — Don Bici (@Don_Bici) February 14, 2019 @CastelliCycling Still waiting for an answer! https://t.co/0yuNGp2Ip6 — Don Bici (@Don_Bici) February 18, 2019 @CastelliCycling It looks like you need someone to run your Twitter account. Make me an offer I...

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Posted by on Feb 27, 2019 in bikes, gear and gadgets, cycling and bike pics, slider | 0 comments

Photoshopping Polar bottles – part 2

Photoshopping Polar bottles – part 2

In Photoshopping Polar bottles – part 1 I showed you the process of making two of the Polar Bottle-themed images I had posted on Instagram, Twitter and Facebook since I became an official ambassador for Polar Bottle USA. In this post I’ll be showing you how I made the other two. TIP: click on an image to view the larger version. A juggling act I got the idea for this image when reading about juggling family, work and cycling. I thought that juggling lots of Polar bottles would be nice, so I started photographing my water bottles from different angles. This would help with getting the sun light from the correct angle, when rotating the bottles in the image. I also needed an image of me in a juggling position, so I asked my girlfriend to take lots of pictures so I would have enough to choose from. I decided to go with this one: Next, I added extra space above the barn, added some clouds and did some...

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Posted by on Feb 12, 2019 in bikes, gear and gadgets, cycling and bike pics | 5 comments

Photoshopping Polar bottles – part 1

Photoshopping Polar bottles – part 1

Last year I became an official ambassador for Polar Bottle USA. I’ve been using Polar bottles since I started cycling in sunny Sicily and for me they are hands down the best water bottles to use in warm weather conditions. I keep them in the freezer overnight and take them out one hour to two hours before my ride. This way the water will stay cold for up to 3-4 hours. I have posted several Polar Bottle-themed images on Instagram, Twitter and Facebook and because several people were wondering how they were made, I decided to show you how I photoshopped them. TIP: click on an image to view the larger version. Thanoooooooooooooooos!!! The first Photoshopped image was inspired by Marvel’s Infinity war. I didn’t like the movie as much as many did, but I did like the “Thanos dust effect”, so I decided to get myself “Thanosed” (not a word, but you know what I mean). I asked my girlfriend to take several pictures of me so I...

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